Participate in an art challenge without having a melt down 🎨


Dear Reader,

This email got a little wordy, so I'm going to keep it light up top. Here's a list of what's inside:

  • My take on how to follow through on an art challenge
  • Finding inspiration in unusual places
  • A peek at my 2025 calendar
  • And of course a new batch of rare book images

Hope you enjoy!

Yours truly,


What happened in September

I participated in an art challenge...and didn't have a creative meltdown! I've said this before, but in general, I'm pretty allergic to art challenges. There's something about them that makes my creativity pack up and run away. BUT I decided to participate in an art challenge in September and I'm happy to say that I completed it!

The goal of the #wildwonderschallenge was to create 4 designs over a month (an illustration, hero pattern, coordinate, and a blender). I've been trying to think about why things went differently this time, and here are my thoughts if you face similar struggles with art challenges.

  1. Only participate if you are truly excited. This is SO important! I was excited to make something new (my work left the desert!). There are plenty of other challenges I've "joined" out of peer or self-pressure (hello FOMO) and when I didn't complete them I felt like a failure. Before you decide to join a challenge really think about why you want to jump in. Is it for you? If yes, proceed.
  2. Make a plan. Before things really kicked off I created a Pinterest board with ideas and then had a little brainstorming session in my sketchbook before I started creating. This made it much easier when I was feeling uninspired. I just turned to my inspiration board and my notes and was able to move forward.
  3. Don't worry about "being behind". In truth, I started this challenge a over a week late, but I just kept slowly working away on my collection and by week 3 I was on schedule. But if I'm being honest, even if I didn't get there it would have been totally ok. Challenge timelines are just guidelines, don't be so rigid that you take all the fun out of it.

What’s inspiring me lately…

This might seem a little out of left field, but I'm feeling really inspired by the latest season of The Great British Baking Show. Truth be told I love to bake, but in southern California (at least in my house) there is no turning on the oven until the heat finally breaks. Thankfully we seem to have made it there. This weekend I made one of Catherine's favorites, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Squares, they did not disappoint. Consider this your little reminder to set down your iPads or art supplies and indulge in another creative endeavor from time to time.

One more thing worth sharing...

My calendar is available!

Sometimes I wonder if I create too much desert art...and yet here I am again with a desert-inspired calendar.

Before I moved to California I thought the desert was dull, dead, and boring. Boy was I wrong. It's mysterious, full of life, and downright magical. Which is pretty much why I keep coming back to it again and again as a subject.

If you are in the market for a 2025 calendar and feel the same way about the desert you might like this one.

And special thanks to the kind folks who have already bought a copy. πŸ’– You can't even imagine how fun it is to see a sale come in and know your artwork is going to live in someone else's home for the next year, it's such an honor.

Rare Book Inspiration

This month brought some early printed books and one musical score. If you're new around here and want to see images from previous months, here are all the images I've shared so far.




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Illustrator & Surface Pattern Designer

Surface pattern designer and online educator helping artists gain confidence through action and pitch their work for licensing. I send out monthly emails about creativity, surface pattern design, creative business, and share artist interviews.